Keith Ollerenshaw leads last year’s SIMS band in a concert at SS Elementary. (June 2018)

2018/19 Rehearsal schedule

SIMS MUSIC is growing! We currently have 88 students in band and choir! Here are their rehearsal times: Senior Band (gr 7/8): Mondays 8:15-9:15 am Beginner Band (gr 6): Wednesdays 8:15-9:15 am Senior Jazz Band (OG Jazz): Wednesdays after school, 3:30-5:00 pm Choir (all grades): Thursdays 8:15-9:15 am Beginner Jazz Band (Cosmic Jazz): Thursdays after school, 3:30-5:00 pm All practices are held in the music room, in the south wing. Students need to be in their chairs and ready to play by 8:15. The door will be open at 8:00 so come in and warm up! NEW – extra Friday rehearsals: February 1: Choir (11-1) February 8: Beginner Band (11-1) February 15: Senior Band (11-1) February 22: Choir (school in session. Early dismissal – We will rehearse from 12:30-2:30) March 1: Beginner Band (11-1) March 8: Senior Band (11-1) Links and resources for Band Students to practice at home – CLICK HERE. Parents, please email Keith to get on the music parents’ mailing list, or if you have any questions or concerns.  
The Beginner Jazz Band makes their debut performance at Greenwoods, Nov 2, 2018! To hear some audio files of both jazz bands, look over there on the right, under RECENT POSTS and click on “SIMS Jazz at Greenwoods”. That will take you to the blog post.
  Nov. 19: SIMS MUSIC WINTER SHOWCASE, Artspring, Dec 3, 7:30pmHere’s the link to buy tickets – Adults $15, Youth free. Nov. 15: CAMP IS TOMORROW! We’ve got 60 band and choir students signed up for Camp Pringle this weekend, and we’re all looking forward to a fun and productive couple of days! Many thanks to the instructors on board, and also to the parents who are coming along to help out. Departure – everyone must be in the band room at 10:00 am tomorrow, Friday Nov. 16. Buses will take the students from SIMS to the Vesuvius ferry. NOTE: Please pick up your children from the Vesuvius ferry on SUNDAY NOV. 18 at 5:10, as there is no bus booked to return them to the school. Oct. 13: CAMP FORMS & PAYMENT ARE DUE THURS. NOV 1 !! DOWNLOAD forms for Camp Pringle (Nov. 16-18) (pdf) We are looking for a few more parent chaperones – pls contact Keith.   Sept. 13: Parent Info Sheet (pdf) and Instrument Choice form (pdf)    


Tapestry Music in Victoria is handling our instrument rentals. If you go to their website you can set up an account. The school has a few instruments that may be available for a flat rental rate of $70 for the full school year. This rental fee will go toward maintenance and purchase of new instruments. See Keith for instrument availability.

Upcoming Events


You can find our scheduled camps, workshops, trips and concerts in this site’s CALENDAR, but basic dates are: Sept 13 – Parent Info Night – 7-9pm in the school gym Nov 2 and 9 – Jazz Band plays at Greenwood, 2:00pm Nov 16-18 – Camp Pringle Dec 3 – Winter Concert at Artspring Dec 21-22 – Fundraiser: students bagging at Country Grocer Dec 22 & 23 – Fundraiser: concession at Child’s Christmas in Wales concerts @ All Saints Feb/March – dates tba – Band Festival (UVic) April – dates tba – Great Victoria Performing Arts Choral Festival May – trip! details tba June 5 – Spring Concert at Artspring We will need parent chaperones for all festivals and trips. Please consider volunteering your time to help provide our students with support for this exciting year.


We’ve started a Parents’ Group to help out with fundraising and planning events for the Music Program. We meet once a month in the SIMS library. Meetings are short and sweet and all music parents are welcome to join the group. Our next meeting is WED., NOV 21 at 5:30 pm. Please note the earlier time. Upcoming fundraising opportunities include Lions’ sponsored jazz band performances at Greenwoods, two days bagging at Country Grocer, holiday chocolate sales, and running the concession for two Christmas concerts at All Saints Church. We also have an account at the bottle depot and a receipt box at Country Grocer.
SIMS Jazz Band plays at Fulford Elementary, June 2018

2017/18 Year in Review

After a late start, the bands began to rehearse in November and were performing only a few weeks later! Considering the majority of the band were absolute beginners, their show at All Saints on December 13th was fantastic.
The Jazz Band began rehearsing soon after, and in the new year both bands performed at various school functions. The Jazz Band enjoyed a weekend workshop with jazz guitarist Bill Coon in April, and in May many band members performed with the Salt Spring Concert Band on the Artspring stage for two pieces. In June both bands and the choir did a one-day elementary school tour, performing at Fulford, SSE and Fernwood Elementary Schools. The Music Program put on a final Spring Concert for family and friends, and six musicians were presented with Awards of Musical Excellence.